ইন্টারনাল অডিট অ্যান্ড অডিট ফলো-আপ স্কিম
ইন্টারনাল অডিট অ্যান্ড অডিট ফলো-আপ স্কিম

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Twentey frequently asked questions and answers related to risk-based internal auditing and auditor independence in the public sector:

• Risk-based internal audit is an approach that focuses on identifying and assessing risks to prioritize audit activities in public sector organizations.

• It ensures resources are allocated efficiently, and audits are aligned with the organization's objectives and potential risks.

• Traditional audits often follow a fixed schedule, while risk-based audits prioritize areas with higher risk.

• Internal auditors in the public sector are responsible for reviewing the risk and control of the process of preparing financial statements, compliance with laws and regulations, and evaluating internal controls.

• Internal auditor’s independence means that auditors must be free from bias and conflicts of interest to perform their duties objectively.

• It ensures the integrity and credibility of audit findings and reports.

• Auditors should avoid financial and personal interests that could compromise their objectivity. Also they report directly to the Secretary of the line ministry.

• Risk-based internal audit can help auditors prioritize areas where independence is crucial, ensuring their focus on high-risk areas.

• It involves identifying and analyzing risks, assessing their potential impact, and prioritizing them.

• Yes, the process should be dynamic, allowing adjustments as risks evolve.

• Policies and procedures are in place to identify, disclose, and mitigate conflicts of interest among auditors.

• Resistance to change, resource constraints, and a lack of risk management expertise can be challenges.

• Quality control mechanisms, peer reviews, and adherence to professional standards help maintain audit quality.

• Some organizations outsource, but safeguards must be in place to maintain independence.

• Audit committees oversee the internal audit function and monitor auditor independence.

• Regular reporting and open communication with stakeholders help maintain transparency.

• Yes, by focusing on high-risk areas, auditors are more likely to identify fraud. But fraud risks should be dealt by experts with special mandate only.

• Better resource allocation, improved risk management, and enhanced decision-making are some of the benefits.

• The frequency can vary but is typically following the approved internal audit annual plan prepared based on organization's risk profile and objectives.

• Risk-based internal audit supports good governance by promoting transparency, accountability, and effective risk management.

These questions and answers provide an overview of risk-based internal audit and auditor independence in the public sector.
মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা

মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা


ড. সালেহউদ্দিন আহমেদ




ড. মোঃ খায়েরুজ্জামান মজুমদার

জাতীয় কর্মসূচি পরিচালক

National Program Director

মোহাম্মদ সাইফুল ইসলাম

অতিরিক্ত সচিব, বাজেট-১, অর্থ বিভাগ, অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়

পিআইটি প্রধান

পিআইটি প্রধান

বিলকিস জাহান রিমি

অতিরিক্ত সচিব, ব্যয় ব্যবস্থাপনা, অর্থ বিভাগ, অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়

নির্বাচিত ৫টি অধিদপ্তর
জরুরি হটলাইন